We were so excited to see Richard and Rachelle and girls in the middle of June! It was so neat to see their newest Kayla, she is so pretty. We had everyone over for dinner. (Jason made some great food, of course)! While the adults were talking I dug out some of my boxed up toys. Elisa had fun with my Barbies, and James really loved my DisneyLand Mr. Potato Head.

We also had a lot of fun at the Bean Museum. James was my special buddy. I carried him throughout the museum. We had so much fun. I especially loved it when we would walk up to an animal with big teeth and James would cuddle up against me and hide his face. Here are some of the fun animals we saw:

Every time I see a hippo I am amazed at how big and scary they are.

This little creature made me think of Dolly when see is begging for a treat. (Her ears go all rigid).

This was just scary. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I had to put this in since I studied textiles. Angora wool is much sought after for textile products.

My friend James. I thought this picture turned out pretty good considering I had him in one arm, my purse in the other, and trying to take a picture at the same time!
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