On May 30th, I got to see my FAVORITE band perform at Rio Tinto stadium. I have seen STYX 9 times now (I think)! It was fun to see REO Speedwagon again (they perform with STYX quite often) and it was cool to see .38 special (this was the first time I've seen them). It was an awesome concert. During REO's "Roll with the Changes" American Idol finalist David Archuleta came on stage to sing with the band. This is one thing I really like about both STYX and REO Speedwagon. They frequently bring people out to sing with them. A couple of concerts ago at the state fair they had Govenor John Huntsman Jr. come out and play a jazz tune with thtem at the end of the show.
My wonderful dad bought my ticket, and my littlest brother accompanied me as my "date" since rock concerts still aren't Jason's favorite thing in the world. (Don't worry, I'll wear him down eventually). :) Thanks again Alan for being such a great date!
One thing that made this concert really cool was that at the very end of the concert STYX and REO came on stage together to perform a brand new song that the 2 bands wrote together titled "Can't Stop Rockin'!" It's a really cool song! Also as a sponser for the concert, RockBand released a track pack of 7 songs including 3 STYX, 3 REO, and their new song! Needless to say, this induced me to buy the RockBand game.
I look forward to seeing them in concert again soon!

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